enfants à l'école au Bangladesh

Ongoing actions in 2020

Situation on 4th april 2020:

The trip from France to India and Bangladesh planned from March to June had been postponed, due to Covid-19 crisis all over the world.

Planed work on the field is partly transformed into “telework”. Thanks to the people on site with whom we keep in touch – beneficiaries, partners and stakeholders – , projects follow their course as much as possible.

Video meetings and emails with other partners are also a guarantee to progress in projects.

If we are planning a trip in September, we can only hope so without confirming it at the moment …

What seems certain is that the needs will be very present and will have taken a new form, maybe more in urgency for a long-term development. The shared diagnostic work will set the new course, and we’ll be motivated for this!


School support for children from primary and secondary school

Long-term work in partnership with other local and French NGOs

New project “way from school of the street to school in the street”

Action research based on the field work and carried out by an academic trainee and local stakeholders

Project to continue with partners in 2020 and 2021

Maison estudiantine, Gaya

Advice-orientation and fundraising for students towards higher studies

Continuity in the support of students previously accompanied in primary school – class nursery to class 5- and secondary school- class 6 to class 10 –


Co-financing of medical equipment for the primary health center

Following a partnership in 2019 about “wash” projects – installation of tube-wells, sanitation, hygiene awareness sessions-

Salle d’accouchement, Centre de santé primaire – Matarbari Bangladesh
Aide au diagnostic et soutien financier en ophtalmologie – Matarbari, Bangladesh

Help to finance urgent and expensive care for poor children

Action started in 2019 will be followed to completion

Diagnosis around the closure of pre-primary schools, the target is to reopen them

This action started in 2019 will continue in 2021

Elèves en école maternelle – Matarbari, Bangladesh